Tottori Sand Dunes Photo Guided Tour

Tottori Sand Dunes Photo Guided Tour

- Do more than just walk! This tour allows you to take Instagram-worthy photos with your smartphone while being guided through the Tottori Sand Dunes. We'll take you to the hidden gems of the Tottori Sand Dunes! Our guide will take memorable photos for you! We will also teach you some effective photography tricks. (*This plan does not include bicycling. You will explore the dunes on foot.) - The guide/photographer is an expert on the Tottori Sand Dunes and has appeared in and been featured in major media outlets! The guide is an expert in mobile photography and also teaches social media courses. - This tour is recommended for couples and families who want to take memorable photos, as well as for those who want to learn smartphone photography techniques. - All the photos taken will be provided to you as digital files at the end of the tour! You can quickly post them to social media on the spot! Please note that the shooting conditions may vary depending on the weather. - This plan is tailored for smartphone photography. (Any smartphone is supported, but the guide uses an iPhone.)


Minimum Number of Passengers
2 participants
Maximum Capacity
20 participants
Meeting and Exchange Areas
The tour starts at the Tottori Sand Dunes Visitor Center
2164 Yuyama, Fukube-cho, Tottori-shi, Tottori
Open Period
Tour Schedule
1) Tour schedule: Arrive 5 minutes early and check-in. 2) Explanation: Receive a briefing on the tour rules and itinerary. 3) Experience: Walk around the Tottori Sand Dunes and take photos at photo spots. 4) Disband. All photos taken during the tour will be provided in digital format. *The above itinerary is subject to change.
Required Time
Around 2 hours
Provision of Meals
Meals are not provided
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