Kansai × Things to do

Total 1394 Posts

Guided Volcanic Caldera Tour in Snowshoes

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Koyasan (Kongobuji Temple)

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Seionji Temple

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Toba Sea-Folk Museum

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Tenryuji Temple

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Kansai Traditional Performing Arts Workshops for Overseas Visitors

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Bottling Sake using both traditional and cutting-edge technology at a 250-year-old sake brewery.

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Discover the genuine Shoyu (soy sauce) world that led Japanese cuisine to be registered as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage!

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A natural healing experience in Satoyama, away from the busy life and crowds of the urban city!

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Go Logging with a 25-Year Veteran of the Forestry Industry!

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Special Display of the Juichimen Kannon Statue

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Shinki Bus Tours Co., Ltd. Yui Prima 18-seater Premium Coach Yui Tour—The Stirring Nada Fighting Festival in Harima

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